THE 4 things you need to know for a better smokey eye from the start!
Ok, you need to know that there are about 4,480,000 tutorials on how to do a smokey eye. I just google it so you know it's real. I could do another one. And I might. But instead I am going to share a few hints with you that will make all of this a little easier to begin with! And then I am going to post a few links to some great tutorials.
Cheap is as cheap does. Really cheap, bad brushes, will make you want to poke your eyes out! So don't go for the absolute cheapest brushes and then say "well at least I have some brushes". NO! If money is tight, or you are just building you brush supply, start out with 1 or 2 higher end brushes and fill in the rest of your supply with a set of the very respectable Sonia Kashuk at Target or Eco Tools at various stores.
Yes, a lot of the professional company tutorials show the model using an eye primer. BTW, you will find about 3,000 various eye primers out there. Ok, 3,000 is my guess but I feel I am pretty close. Anyway, an 'eye primer' is nice if you can get it, but if you can't you are still going to look great. To note, primers are substances that you place in an area that you may want to have a noticeably smoother or more consistent texture. They can also help your eye makeup stay put. But...this brings us to #3.
Eye shadow. Mama always said "cheap eye shadow is like a box of chocolates, ya never know what you gonna get". So true. I want to love the supposedly 'hyper-pigmented' eye shadows you see at your local corner drugstore. The colors are gorgeous. But, most of them are like bad boyfriends...they lie, and they never stay around as long as they promised you they would. So, you guessed it, don't choose the cheapest!! I simply won't mention any brand names, but you can have a few guesses on makeup brands I wouldn't go near with a 10 foot brush. So, once again Sonia Kashuk has a few decent shadows. Also, the Sephora brand and even the Ulta store brand have some good options. I use a lot of Mac and Smashbox. My problem with Mac is that it literally lasts too long! It takes me well over a year to use the shadows even when I am doing a lot of projects.
Practice. You are going to have to practice, practice, practice!! No one wants to hear this, but it's true. Even the best makeup artists I know have to practice when a technique or style is new to them. So, watch the tutorials, decide on the colors you want, and get all these things I told you about above, sit comfortably in a well lit areawith a mirror and take about 30 minutes to do and redo your look. You'll need several makeup wipes (I use Neutrogena wipes) and patience, and your favorite beverage (and maybe a good playlist). Go to it!!
And.. important little notes: Mascara? For now, whatever is your favorite. Don't have one? Benefit "They're Real" - $10 at Sephora (We'll talk about false eyelashes another day! You don't need them yet)
Always do your eyes first before anything else!! I know this is different than most makeup artists (or MUAs) do it, but overall it's the best bet.
Links in no particular order:
Lisa Eldridge
Jacqueline Mgido (about 57 seconds in)