Oh Lorde-y!
Sometimes when I talk to people about Personal Styling, I can tell in the beginning they are thinking that I will turn them into a carbon copy of me. Nothing is further from the truth! Any good stylist is going to help you uncover the best version of you and not try to make you fit a cookie cutter form.
The youthful singer Lorde's early days pics reminds me of this. Now, Lorde is a pretty and captivating young woman all on her own. But, you can tell when she was first signed to a major label, that her stylist's instructions were to make her as mainstream as Lorde would allow. Thankfully, Lorde has made it past that first hurdle of "will she make it or won't she?" and and you can tell the stylistic reigns have eased up quite a bit. Just the other day I googled her promo photos for her first hit "Royals" and when I saw her, I didn't even recognize her from who she is today!
Now, she wears her signature darker colors and just as dark lipsticks. She has even brought back the dark lipstick trend with the help of MAC. In the video, she is all soft ringlets and pale pinks. And, to be sure, there are people that prefer her old style, the only problem, is it probably really wasn't her style. It was assigned to her out of necessity and a million other people's opinions. For personal styling, we help you really dig in and find out who you are.