What's the deal with makeup brushes?

What's the deal with makeup brushes?

They're expensive. And there are about 1000 of them. And who knows what brush does what? Do you really need them?

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We have all met her. The woman who sells makeup that has crepe-like eyelids and skin of a woman 10 years older than her. And she is only in her early 30s. She didn't tan too much or have a bad habit of 12 coffees a day. She did however, use a lot of cheap makeup in her youth. (We'll talk about the downfalls of cheap makeup another day my friend!)

And because it was cheap she had to put on a lot of it.

With cheap tools. That caused tugging.

Makeup brushes allow you to gently apply makeup on a regular or daily basis. You know how when you get an x-ray, the x-ray tech steps out of the room? Kind of scary and foreboding isn't it? Well, that is because the are exposed to something on a regular basis that could damage them IF they didn't take one small precaution. Applying makeup with sponge applicators and rubber tips stretches skin everytime you put on makeup. It requires a lot more force and friction than necessary. And that can cause a lot of unnecessary wear and tear on your skin that can be hard to undo.

Dr. Nicholas Perricone, a forrunner in skincare and cell research, mentions in his work, that skin cells can be likened to balloons. They can be overstretched and overinflated and once they return to their normal size the damage is done to their texture. Wrinkles and sagging start to occur.

If you had to take care of one balloon a year that you had to re-decorate daily, would you want to use brushes and high quality watercolors or tough, cheap sponges and some no-name paint? Your skin will be with you your entire life. Take care of it! Show it some love and it will show you love in your later years by looking fabulous. Start today!! ***


*I'll have future posts on how to know if makeup is quality or not.

**I'll have future posts on how start purchasing brushes, what to look for and how to take care of them.

*** No tugging!!!